
Using CATNIP, players will be able to buy or sell items through our open marketplace in the form of trading. This will form the foundation of our player-based economy. Players can trade a limitless amount of items including but not limited to:

  • Guardians

  • Nyans

  • Weapons

  • Cosmetic skins

  • Guardian cores

  • Nyan cores

  • Weapon cores

  • Guardian parts

  • Weapon parts

  • Raw materials

  • Crafted items

  • Consumables

  • Buildings

  • Decorative items

In addition to trading, players will have the ability to loan out items to other players in return for a share of the value earned by the borrowing player. These rental agreements will be in-game features, and the payouts will be automated, allowing individuals or groups with limited infrastructure or time to still be able to manage a large number of rentals simultaneously.


The entire metaverse in Nyan Heroes will be subdivided into subterranean land plots with a central genesis region surrounded by outer regions. Land plots closer to the central genesis region will be valued higher. Land plots on the outskirts and further from the central genesis will be valued lower.

Land, particularly central land, will have a limited supply in Nekovia. Once all landсparcels have been distributed, there will be no more land available unless someone decides to sell their land plot. Owning a plot of land provides numerous benefits to the holder, as described below.


A small guild can be created by anyone. However, expanding that guild requires the Guild Master to purchase a plot of land. By doing so, not only does the total capacity of the guild increase but also the access of the guild to certain activities and events will increase. Guilds will typically gain access to additional quests, including times pecific events, raids, and missions that would otherwise not be available.

Guilds will also be able to build various structures on their land, including marketplaces, job boards, shops, repair centers, and more. By having a large, active guild in a central part of Nekovia, your land will provide increased foot traffic for visitors who may wish to interact with your various stores or trading posts. The more traffic and interactions your guild receives, the more commissions you will receive overall, which will allow you to expand your guild further. If your guild owns the largest in-game marketplace in Nekovia, the rewards will be bountiful for you and your friends. In addition, the guild itself sets its own fees in our free, open-world marketplace.

Yield Generation

As each parcel of land corresponds to an area of the map in our open-world game mode, various resources can be harvested passively as the game is played. These resources include items from mining, farming, harvesting, etc., but also include land-specific resources that cannot be obtained elsewhere.


Owning land in areas of high foot traffic in the game may also be used for advertising purposes if deemed appropriate according to the game’s boundaries and guidelines. This includes advertising for in-game guilds and shops, as well as real-world clients and brands.